Welcome to the World of Orchids!
Orchids have a magical beauty and allure, with incredible colors, shapes, and scents. Maybe this contributes to the belief that they are difficult to grow and bloom. In reality, most orchids are not difficult plants. As a matter of fact, some are practically indestructible. With a few basic tips for orchid care, you can make your orchid grow, thrive, and bloom.
Orchids Grow All Over the World
Over 30,000 species of orchids inhabit every corner of the planet except for the driest deserts and Antarctica. Humans have crossbred these species to create 150,000 hybrids, with more appearing all the time. Most are grown for their beautiful flowers, but the seedpods of the Vanilla orchid provide the popular flavoring. And unlike most plants, they do not grow in soil, but in the air. Their roots attach to trees or rocks where they capture moisture and nutrients that wash over them in the rainforest.
Orchids are Ancient Plants
Evidence of orchids appears from the age of the dinosaurs, 120 million years ago, making them some of the first flowering plants. Orchids are one of the largest and oldest families of plants in the world. For centuries, people all over the world have fallen in love with their flowers. Their bright colors, bizarre shapes, and enchanting smells have evolved to attract pollinators. Many have a relationship with a single type of insect or bird that can pollinate their flowers.
Habitat Destruction Endangers Many Orchids
Orchids in every part of the world face dangers from pollution, habitat destruction, and global warming. Do everything you can to stop these threats. We are already losing many of these wondrous plants forever. Reduce what you use and recycle. Take action to stop rainforests from being cut down or burned, or wetlands from being paved over. Only buy plants from legitimate vendors, and never take plants from the wild.
Learning About Your Orchid
AboutOrchids.com offers information about basic care for common orchids. They are very diverse plants that grow in wide varieties of environments all over the world, but this site focuses on the most common kinds of orchids available for sale and which are best suited for beginners. If you find that one of these tips or techniques is not working for you, check our resources to help you do some more research about your plant to find more advanced care information.
The first step to taking care of your orchid is learning what kind of orchid it is. Most of the orchids commonly found for sale are hybrids that have been created specifically for their flowers and ease of care in homes and offices.
What kind of orchid do I have?

What are some common kinds of orchids sold today?
Once you know what kind of orchid you have, you can learn about its natural environment and the conditions under which it is more likely to thrive and bloom again.
How do I take care of it?

How much water does it need?
Should I fertilize it?
Sometimes even the most well-cared for orchids have problems with pests and diseases. Learning what to look for and how to treat common problems can help your orchid live longer and provide you with more flowers.
What's wrong with my orchid?

Should the leaves be yellow?
Why are its flowers deformed?